

CEO message

Our company was established to spread our technology “a specific ionic liquid is applicable to lithium-ion batteries as electrolyte” found out firstly by the current CEO and former COO research group. We have actually substantiated this technology as suitable electrolyte to batteries for aerospace application and succeeded in enhancing battery performance by continuous developing with space operation partners. Moreover, we successfully developed outstanding-performance binder to enhance electrode strength and durability. Our binder currently receives a remarkable attention from battery industry. Our major technologies like them are build-out from research in Electrochemistry Laboratory Kansai University. We have confidence in finding effective solutions to world-wide battery material needs as members of a distinguished company originated from Kansai University.

Masashi Ishikawa

Representative executive CEO


company info


Name iElectrolyte Co., Ltd.
Location Kansai University Innovation Creation Center 309 Room 3 - 3, 35 Yamatecho Suita, Osaka Prefecture 564 - 8680 Osaka Prefecture
Establishment April 2014
Representative Kazuo Abe, President and COO
Business contents Practical application of electrochemical device such as lithium ion battery, EDLC using ionic liquid.Sales of parts for batteries using natural polymer materials.


2014.4 Established "iElectrolyte LLC" for the purpose of conducting practical research on electric storage devices using ionic liquid electrolytes and natural polymer materials.
2014.6 ~A first step toward practical application of ionic liquid lithium secondary batteries~
Our IL based battery was launched on an artificial satellite “Hodoyoshi 3”, which was designed by Prof. S. Nakasuga, Tokyo univ..
We realized for the first time in the world on long term battery operation on the earth orbital.
2014.11 Adoption Business (NEDO, FY2014-2015) : New Energy Venture Business technology Innovation Program(Fuel Cells and Batteries).
2015.2 Award: NEDO Technology Commercialization Program 2014 (Finalist Award)
2015.4 Released “Powerbinder®” for energy storage devices. (Water soluble binder based on natural polymer)
2016.3 Our company's Powerbinder® business is certified as "A rank" of the highest rating by Kyoto City Venture Business Meeting Committee.
Received the paper award at the electrochemical society of japan : Joint research with Kansai univ., Tokyo univ, Univ. for Advanced Studies, JAXA.
2016.4 Organization was changed to stock company ("i Electrolyte Co., Ltd.")
2016.11 Moved head office to Innovation Creation Center in Kansai University.
2018.2.3 Our "ionic liquid battery" was adopted for electronic equipment power supply of JAXA's world's smallest orbital rocket "SS-520 No. 5".
2018.2.27 The 14th "Consortium Research and Development Grant" sponsored by Ikeda Senshu Bank.
(Theme: Development of positive electrode binder for lithium batteries derived from natural materials.)


Kansai University Innovation Creation Center 309 Room 3 - 3, 35 Yamatecho Suita, Osaka Prefecture 564 - 8680 Osaka Prefecture

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